Our Beginning: A small moment!
Often, the smallest moments make the biggest difference in our lives. In 2010, when Susan Hicks lost her battle with breast cancer, what seemed like a "small" moment" was the first shot fired in the war that Women Rock is waging against breast cancer. Her brave and faithful journey--and her ability to inspire hopes in others--is the foundation upon which Women Rock was built.
Since that day – that seemingly small moment – Women Rock has fulfilled thousands of requests for services in communities that we serve. That same small moment has inspired many to work tirelessly; provide hope, education and support to our community; and advocate for our clients, with the goal of eradicating this disease that affects over 250,000 people a year. Women Rock was born out of that small moment and since 2010 has been a light in the darkness for those who had lost hope.
Our Focus: Life!
Everyone deserves a chance to live a full and productive life beyond breast cancer. Our creed since 2010 has been to Leave No Stone Unturned: ensuring everyone we serve has the support and resources necessary to find breast cancer at its earliest, most treatable stage. Women Rock provides hope and the emotional support needed to fight no matter status, income, color or lifestyle. Our goal at Women Rock is to break the cycle of late-stage breast cancer, and the senseless loss of young lives to a disease that has a 95% cure rate with early diagnosis.
Women Rock provides the hope and emotional support needed to fight no matter status, income, color or lifestyle.
Our Hope: More and Better!
Recognizing the critical need for access to healthcare and the financial instability that so many faces with a breast cancer diagnosis, Women Rock is committed to serving more people and providing better services and programs.
Giving Hope, making a difference, and defeating breast cancer.